Coming Soon
Tailored to your job search

Looking for a job?
Experts say that
Only 20-30% of all jobs are posted publicly
We'll help you to reach the 70-80% that are hidden.
That's where Careers comes in.

Prepare without effort
Polish your CV, LinkedIn and interview skills
Create a CV that shows you at your best with our AI CV Builder
Get to an All star LinkedIn profile with the help of our AI chrome extension
Prep with ease for upcoming interviews with the AI interview Coach
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Access the hidden job market
70-80% of all available jobs are not posted publicly. Don’t miss out on the majority of opportunities!
Learn how to access the hidden job market
Get personalized networking recommendations
Generate positive responses with our AI communication coach
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Track your progress and land interviews
Follow a gamified, step-by-step approach based on your goals
To hit the right numbers of applications
Convert LinkedIn connection requests into chats and interviews
Experience firsthand the results of your targeted approach
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Get closer to your new job, anytime, anywhere.
Use our app on your phone or computer, wherever you work best.
Our Chrome extension ensures a seamless and efficient experience.
How it works?

Step 1
Answer a few questions to create a personalized job hunting plan and match you with relevant jobs
Tailor your experience in the app
Create a personalized job strategy just for you.
Match you with relevant opportunities
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Step 2
Follow clear steps to stay on top of your job hunt
Complete weekly goals
Earn points for daily activities
Unlock more features
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Step 3
Stay focused and celebrate your progress
Expand your network
Hit the right number of applications
Advance from chats to interviews to see offers come in
More details

Ameed Abusallha
TAP BD Graduate 2023

1 year ago
“TAP has been an incredible journey that exceeded my expectations. The program provided me with invaluable insights and tools for personal and professional development. The structured approach and dedicated mentors helped me navigate challenges and achieve remarkable results. The most beneficial takeaway for me was the emphasis on building strong networks and fostering collaboration. With TAP, I accomplished significant milestones and gained a newfound confidence in my abilities. I highly recommend TAP to future participants, as it offers a transformative experience that opens doors to endless opportunities.”
Read more

Zbaideh Anabtawi
TAP BD Graduate 2023, Business Development Analyst @Covalo

1 year ago
“TAP has given me the opportunity for a fresh start, they equipped me with the needed professional skills and technical ones, which led me to be hired by a SaaS Swiss company. Highly recommended training program for Palestinians.”
Read more
Why choose us?
Why choose us?
At TAP we have supported hundreds of people in the MENA region to find jobs through our upskilling programs. And we know how overwhelming, lonely and painful the job search is.
This led us to develop our own unique approach which we tested and refined. And we know that many of you wanted to join our programs but we can only accept ~5% of all applicants.

So we are taking it to the next level. With Careers we can make our approach available to everyone.
Let's make finding jobs easier for everyone in the MENA region.
Why choose us?
At TAP we have supported hundreds of people in the MENA region to find jobs through our upskilling programs. And we know how overwhelming, lonely and painful the job search is.

This led us to develop our own unique approach which we tested and refined. And we know that many of you wanted to join our programs but we can only accept ~5% of all applicants.
So we are taking it to the next level. With Careers we can make our approach available to everyone.
Let's make finding jobs easier for everyone in the MENA region.
Optimized LinkedIn profiles are
40x times more likely to be found in search by recruiters
Stand out and get noticed with our AI LinkedIn Optimizer.

Join the waitlist
Be the first to experience the future of job hunting! Sign up for our exclusive waitlist to get early access to our groundbreaking AI-powered platform.